Chi Siamo
Apostoli della Musica - Profeti dell'Amore - Seguaci della Melodia - Pionieri del Refrain - Messaggeri dell'Armonia
Siamo produttori indipendenti di musica di alta qualità. Operiamo nel mercato italiano dal 1979. Nel nostro catalogo trovate artisti italiani e stranieri il meglio della musica indipendente. Offriamo una vasta gamma di prodotti che ci consente di fornire un servizio completo dall’ideazione, registrazione, missaggio e mastering. La musica copre un intero spettro di generi musicali ed è creata per essere utilizzata in film, televisione, radio e altre opere audiovisive e multimediali.
We are independent producers of high quality music. We have been operating in the Italian market since 1979. In our catalog you will find Italian and foreign artists the best of independent music. We offer a wide range of products that allows us to provide a complete service from conception, recording, mixing and mastering. Music covers a full spectrum of musical genres and is created to be used in film, television, radio and other audiovisual and multimedia works.

Luigi Mazzesi è il fondatore dell’etichetta discografica LM Records che in futuro diventerà Crotalo Edizioni Musicali. Dal ’79 dirige la casa editrice, sceglie le produzioni da fare, è un uomo solo al comando, cambia direzione artistica senza nessuna riunione di consiglio e non si cura delle mode, niente da fare, è abituato a seguire solamente il suo istinto nel giusto o nel meno giusto.
Luigi Mazzesi is the founder of the record label LM Records which in the future will become Crotalo Edizioni Musicali. Since ’79 he directs the publishing house, chooses the productions to make, he is a lonely man in charge, he changes artistic direction without any council meeting and does not care about fashions, nothing to do, he is used to following only his instinct in the right or at least right.

Come LM Records parte da Lido Adriano in viale Petrarca 421, un piccolo negozio diventato famoso nel mondo per le produzioni di New Wave e Heavy Metal Italiano. Recentemente trasferito a Ravenna in via del corniolo 24, i generi musicali trattati si allargano a 360 gradi fino ad arrivare al Pop al Jazz o al Folk, l’importante è che sia MUSICA!
How LM Records starts from Lido Adriano in viale Petrarca 421, a small shop that has become world famous for its New Wave and Italian Heavy Metal productions. Recently moved to Ravenna in via del corniolo 24, the musical genres covered are extended up to Jazz or Folk, the important thing is that it is MUSIC!
Col tempo abbiamo creato e collaborato con diverse etichette, LM Records è l’inizio con il Bluegrass, la New Wave e l’Heavy Metal, DWMB Records creata per lo scouting Pop/Dance, Folk And Roll per il Country e il Folk, Tropic Records per il genere Latino, collaboriamo con la Musicando come Editori Musicali il genere musicale è il Progressive, creiamo assieme a Paolo Catena la New LM Records Paul Chain Production per stampare i lavori del Day Studio di Paul Chain, per un breve periodo stampiamo la Giallo Records dedicati al Beat Sound, creiamo la Music Track Library per le sincronizzazioni, la Music For Fun che come dice il nome si dedica alla musica per il divertimento in Discoteca, Balera e Pub e infine la JazzTone Records che stampa Jazz. Tutto il catalogo è distribuito dalla IRD International Records Distribution.
Cliccando sui marchi qui sotto potrete vedere le ultime produzioni.
Over time we have created and collaborated with different labels, LM Records is the beginning with Bluegrass, New Wave and Heavy Metal, DWMB Records created for Pop / Dance scouting, Folk And Roll for Country and Folk, Tropic Records for the Latino genre, we collaborate with Musicando as Music Editors the musical genre is Progressive, we create together with Paolo Catena the New LM Records Paul Chain Production to print the works of Paul Chain’s Day Studio, for a short period we print the Giallo Records dedicated to Beat Sound, we create the Music Track Library for synchronizations, the Music For Fun which, as the name implies, is dedicated to music for fun in the Disco, Dance Club and Pub and finally the JazzTone Records which prints Jazz. The entire catalog is distributed by IRD International Records Distribution.
By clicking on the brands below you can see the latest productions.

Leda De Waure
Prof of English, he writes his own passages and corrects passages of others; she seems to have been born in South Africa but now she has moved to Piangipane, essential for contacts with abroad.

Stefano "Big Man" Bandini
Husband of Leda De Waure, he is the writer of most of the unreleased songs of Crotalo, a former drummer studying to become a Video Maker.

Ornella D'urbano
Class A pianist and arranger, she signs for the major national artists but she hasn’t got her head for this reason, the photo shows her with one of the many dogs and cats that roam around the house and you know who loves animals has an extra gear .

Gaetano Pellino
Dark passing character of the world, today here tomorrow there. He is the person who completes most of our unreleased songs, in his entirely analog studio that he built with his hands. Besides being a virtuoso on the six strings, he is also an excellent composer with several rock / blues albums to his credit.

Eros Mazzon
Author, Composer, Multi-instrumentalist, Arranger and Sound Engineer does it all, specialized in instrumental pieces, if you have a documentary or a film to sound for, he is the person for you.

Moreno Lombardi
He will have written 5000 songs, an excellent musician, he lives alone in the Romagna hills but the night falls into the city and fills the pubs in the area playing and singing with passing players and with his infinite repertoire.

Paolo Barabani
Particular singer-songwriter with very accurate and descriptive lyrics, he arrives fifth or sixth in Sanremo with the everlasting “Hop Hop Somarello”, a couple of LPs plus several singles. He is very attached to the activity of the Alpini corps to which he has dedicated an entire album: “Uno per Uno”.

Beppe "Emagiosef" Aurilia
Actor, songwriter, composer and theater director, as a singer, three albums and several videos. As a theater director he directs shows with street actors with excellent results.
Volete entrare nel nostro team? Inviateci le vostre composizioni originali o illustrateci i servizi che intendete offrire. Se lo farete sappiate che vi risponderemo solo se interessati. In caso negativo, questo per chi invia brani musicali, il suggerimento è quello di non desistere. continuate a comporre e informateci sempre sulle nuove composizioni. E’ gradito il link dove scaricare il brano, oppure potete allegare un mp3 non troppo pesante altrimenti il nostro sistemo lo cancella.
Would you like to join our team? Send us your original compositions or illustrate the services you intend to offer. If you do, know that we will only reply if interested. If not, this for those who send music, the suggestion is not to give up. keep composing and always inform us about new compositions. The link to download the song is welcome, or you can attach a not too heavy mp3 otherwise our system cancels it.